- partCNV::Hg38_gtfGTF data for Hg38 genome
- partCNV::SimDataSimulation data to examplify the usage of the method
- partCNV::SimDataSceSimulation SingleCellExperiment object to examplify the usage of the method
- RegionalST::exampleResExample DE output
- RegionalST::example_sceExample single cell experiment for input
- RegionalST::pathways_hallmarkHallmark database
- RegionalST::pathways_keggKEGG database
- RegionalST::pathways_reactomeREACTOME database
- TOAST::CBS_PBMC_arrayAn example dataset for partial reference-free cell composition estimation from tissue gene expression
- TOAST::RA_100samplesAn example dataset for cellular proportion estimation and multiple factor design
- TOAST::beta_empSimulated methylation 450K array data with related