1. partCNV::Hg38_gtf
    GTF data for Hg38 genome
  2. partCNV::SimData
    Simulation data to examplify the usage of the method
  3. partCNV::SimDataSce
    Simulation SingleCellExperiment object to examplify the usage of the method
  4. RegionalST::exampleRes
    Example DE output
  5. RegionalST::example_sce
    Example single cell experiment for input
  6. RegionalST::pathways_hallmark
    Hallmark database
  7. RegionalST::pathways_kegg
    KEGG database
  8. RegionalST::pathways_reactome
    REACTOME database
  9. TOAST::CBS_PBMC_array
    An example dataset for partial reference-free cell composition estimation from tissue gene expression
  10. TOAST::RA_100samples
    An example dataset for cellular proportion estimation and multiple factor design
  11. TOAST::beta_emp
    Simulated methylation 450K array data with related